Need help getting started in planning your garden?
Follow this easy 7-Step process in just one week to get your garden ready to plant!
Do you want to start a garden this year but don't know where to begin?
Are you unsure of which crops you should grow?
Do you need a little extra guidance on knowing when to plant what?
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, this 7-day e-mail series will get you started in the most critical phase of growing your garden -- planning it.
Once you go through these easy (and fun!) steps, you'll be prepared to grow your best garden this year!
Hi, I'm Jill, and I grow a successful backyard garden year after year.
But it wasn't always that way.
Not too long ago I was a beginning gardener with no idea how to do the most basic tasks -- and I got really overwhelmed in the details of garden planning. But because I was determined, I spent hours in research preparing for my first garden.
And each year after that first successful garden, I've learned more and more -- this time also from the dirt on my hands instead of from the pages of books alone.
Now, I teach other beginning gardeners -- just like me -- how to plan and grow their own successful gardens.
After you grab the free 7-day plan on this page, I'll send you each step by email. Once you've completed the 7 days, I'll share more about my own journey and will send you more free resources to help you on yours.